Category Archives: PHP

Couchbase php stub file

I have been working with Couchbase for a while and was constantly referring to the Couchbase SDK PHP Documentation for the usage of functions. There was no class definition available in my Zend Studio IDE for auto-completion. Which kinda annoyed me.

Since i have been using composer for all my libraries at tried looking on Packagist for a Couchbase stub file. Unfortunately i could not find one. Then i remembered seeing one in the PECL Couchbase package. I could of course put this into my project so that my IDE would pick it up for auto-completion, but that would not be very social of me. Of course ‘Sharing is Caring’.

I added a github repository, created a composer.json file and added it to packagist. To include it in your project just add the following line to your composer.json file require section.

"danielkraaij/couchbase-php-stub": "dev-master"

Then run composer update, refresh your project in your IDE and your good to go.